Wednesday 10 February 2016

MKR Rundown - Episode 7

MKR Rundown - Episode 7

Who can believe that the cocky lawyers could actually cook?! I guess they did what they said they would do and made us haters look like morons. Anyway, it is the second group starting tonight.

The miners Alex & Gareth are on first. They are working out. "There is no better way to gear up for the weekend..." than with some gear? Alex & Gareth have been in the mines too long. Apparently food is their love. Their passion. Second only to XXXX I imagine.
Entree is a miang of crab, it is Asian apparently.
Roast duck for main. The boys can't find the lychees in Coles though. A lovely Coles worker shows them where they are and the crisis is averted.
Chocolate lava cake for dessert. Manu explains how he wants to see the chocolate ooze out of the cake like lava. The boys admitted earlier that they laugh when they are nervous. It is starting to give me the shits. The boys put an anvil on a makeshift bench.
"It really is the miner details that count" that there is a mining pun.
If these guys came up and told me they were minors, I would probably assume that they are underage before assuming they meant that they worked in a mine.

"For us Italians, eating is like making love!" not sure what these guys eat, but hey who am I to judge. Luciano & Martino aren't doing much for Italian stereotypes so far.

The Apple music ad is four African American women (I assume they are famous, I don't recognise any of them) dancing in a kitchen talking to Siri. Us Australians can really relate to that!

The contestants all pretend to get to know each other as if they hadn't rehearsed it 100 times. The Italians deny that they are a couple. If they aren't a couple then I am gay Elvis.
Nelly and JP are a painful couple aren't they. The Indonesian sisters seem like a hoot. They are going to be able to cook, well traveled.
"I've pretty much always had a six pack" says the annoying pre-selected bitch in the bunch. Lets call her Zana2 since I missed her name. The judges arrive and the miners' brains simultaneously stagger as if they are glitching out.
Martino loves the judges' eyes. The table guests go through the menu and tell us how they hadn't expected it from a couple of bozos. Zana2 annoys everyone. She doesn't like the menu. "I'm just not a big chocolate person". Everyone disagrees with her, me included.

The boys chest bump as they prepare to bring entree to the dining table. Neville and Kelly are pumped to dig in and Zana2 isn't happy that the oranges haven't been segmented. I think we should segment her brain and remove Broca's area, to shut her up for a bit. The judges weren't impressed with the dish. The boys are gutted. The giggling reduces to a mere smile. Neville finds a couple of pieces of shell in his mouthful of crab.
Zana2 annoys, and talks about fighting for some strange reason.

My wife just baked a blueberry pie. Looking forward to having some vanilla ice cream with that! Nom nom nom...

"This main is now really important" says Alex in his most monotone voice. JP aka Guy Smiley isn't impressed with Zana2's negativity. He doesn't break that smile though. There is some discussion about the duck. Guy Smiley smiles and talks about breasts. Zana2 has never eaten duck. No wonder she is such an angry individual.
The boys are struggling to get the duck skin to be crispy. Again, their brains begin to strain under the pressures of processing thoughts. They deliver the meals to the dining table. The plating leaves a lot to be desired. Manu almost dies from chili overload, and we are taken to an ad.

I watch as my blind cat carefully enters the living room in case I have placed an obstacle in her way to test her.

Manu is really feeling the heat in the chili. Seems to be struggling to speak to the cooks. "I think you have done very well" the boys are relieved. Manu isn't too worried about the lack of crispness of the skin. It wasn't a perfect curry, but better than they expected from these numb nuts.
I have a feeling Neville will love anything he eats. Makes me wonder whether he knows what good food is. Zana2 on the other hand... well.

"It's a lava cake for a reason, we need it to be lava" the boys fuss over the cakes and we go to Neville for some thoughts on what lava cake should be like. The Italians make Manu blush. It's very funny. The plating for the dessert looks a lot better than the first 2 dishes. "A lava cake without lava is like a mine without trucks" I suppose that makes sense.
Zana2 is hoping for failure for the miners. Manu didn't get the lava and Pete did. The dessert was too sweet. No balance. Alex stands on one leg and then realises Pete was still talking about the dish.
Zana2 didn't like the chocolate sauce and other stuff. Martino is upset. He does his Italian overreacting thing and says he can taste the dead flesh of the victims of Pompeii. It was something along those lines anyway.

The guest teams score out of 10 per couple:
The Indonesian sisters: 6
Zana2 and partner: 5
Guy Smiley and Co: 5
Italian dramatic: 5
Neville and wife: 4

Combined: 25/50

Judges turn to score:
Entree - The crab - Manu 5 - Pete 4
Main - Curry - Manu 8 - Pete 8
Dessert - Lava cake - Manu 4 - Pete 6

Grand total of 60

OK, ciao!

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